What are good activities to help students who are below grade level or need high scaffolding in a large classroom?

Differentiation strategies such as physical actions, a range of methods for response, appropriate tools for composition and problem solving, and varied scaffolding.

Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program provides a range of methods for all students to navigate and demonstrate learning based on learning styles. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  • Physical actions
    For example, Wiggle Cards in Skills allow students to demonstrate their decoding ability through a range of fun physical movement. Students in grade 3 take part in a Quest Unit that involves physically moving around the classroom simulating Viking travel.

  • A range of methods for response
    Students are given a wide range of response methods in lessons, including oral responses, shared class responses, individual written responses, and small-group work. Small groups are structured in Skills to allow students who need help to be given targeted support, and sidebars provide further advice on how to work with individuals, pairs, and small groups. 

  • Appropriate tools for composition and problem solving
    Graphic organizers and tools such as timelines are used throughout the Knowledge Strand to help students place information in the appropriate context and understand concepts in a range of ways. 

  • Varied scaffolding.
    Support sidebars often provide additional scaffolding to support student activity. It is also important to note that the core lessons, as written, provide a high degree of scaffolding that can be lessened for more advanced students.