How do the Activity Books support authentic learning practices?

Explore the various uses of the Activity Book such as assessment, homework, stories, and take-home letters.

The Activity Book is organized by lesson; the Teacher’s Guide provides direction within each lesson as to when and how each Activity Book page should be used. Some activity pages are designed to be completed as a group with teacher assistance, while other pages are intended to be completed independently by students. 

In addition to practice exercises for reinforcement of skills, the Activity Book also includes assessment pages, homework, copies of the stories read in class, and take-home letters for family members. On the program’s digital components site, teachers will find a digital version of the Activity Book that can be displayed or projected for all to see as teachers give directions and/or provide scaffolded instruction modeling how to complete each page.  Activity Books provide students a way to practice writing and responding in a very targeted way. 

For example, graphic organizers in an Activity Book provide an additional opportunity to apply skills or knowledge in a written format and transfer this information into assessments or a culminating writing task. Teachers will have a way to see if content and skills were processed and understood so additional help can be provided as needed.