How do I use the Code Flip Book?

Explore the uses of the Code Flip Book.

The Consonant and Vowel Code Flip Books will be used with the Spelling Cards in a whole-group review of sound-spelling correspondences taught in kindergarten. These may also be used at any time during the year with individuals or groups of students in need of targeted remediation and practice. 

Example: Flip Book, grade K 

In kindergarten, this information is presented and displayed on large wall posters in each classroom. In grade 1, the code information previously included on these wall posters is presented as two new instructional tools: (1) Code Flip Books, one for consonants and one for vowels, used for group instruction and classroom display, and (2) Individual Code Charts for each student. The Code Flip Books show (in gray print) the spellings for all sounds taught. 

These resources can be found by logging in to and viewing the Ancillary Components within the Daily Instruction section.

Example: Individual Code Chart, grade 1

As teachers review each sound in this unit, they will be asked to place the Spelling Card for that sound on the appropriate Code Flip Book page. Each Spelling Card is printed front and back. One side of the card shows the sound. The other side of the card shows three things: The top shows the spelling, the bottom shows a sample word containing the spelling, and in the middle there is something called a power bar. The power bar gives an indication of how common the spelling is for the sound it represents. A long power bar that stretches almost across the card means that this is the main spelling for the sound and that there are very few words that have this sound spelled any other way. A very short power bar means that the spelling is less common and occurs in fewer English words. Teachers should also note that vowel sound/spellings will always be written in green on the Spelling Cards because, when saying a vowel sound, the mouth is wide open, letting the air go. The one exception to this is the r-controlled vowel sound/spellings which are written in blue. Consonant sound/spellings are written in red

Example: Spelling cards, grade 2