How can I best use Texas Elementary Literacy Program (ELP) resources with students?

Explore professional learning and teacher guide resources.

Exploring Amplify’s Program Resources tab is one of the best ways to learn how to use the Texas Elementary Literacy Program (ELP) and Lectoescritura resources for students. Accessible from the Professional Learning section, you will find webinars and resources that provide help with: 

  • Building a program foundation. 
  • Internalizing both units and lessons with supporting templates to help unpack resources.
  • Assessment information. 

Unit introductions in the Teacher's Guides are a great place for teachers to think about the big picture and plan with the end in mind before jumping into individual lessons. Introductions provide great insight and advice on what will be covered with students and how to execute the unit/lessons.

For additional professional learning resources, visit the Professional Learning site from the Intro tab at