Are there any tips for a reading interventionist to support teachers?

Identifying professional learning resources for reading interventionists to support the Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program.

Exploring the professional development resources provided to teachers is one of the best ways to learn how to use the Amplify Texas Elementary Literacy Program (ELP) and Lectoescritura resources for students and support teachers in implementation. 

In these resources, teachers will find:

  • Helpful webinars that assist teachers in building a program foundation.
  • Information to aid teachers in internalizing both units and lessons, with supporting templates to help unpack resources.
  • Assessment information. 

Additionally, the Intro tab on the Amplify Texas landing site provides a Professional Learning launch button (as seen below) for accessing even more resources in English and Spanish. These include participant notebooks, templates, videos, and images of classrooms to meet the learning needs of different teachers and instructional leaders. Reading interventionists and coaches can access additional instructional support within K–2 Skills lessons such as Pausing Points and suggested additional activities.